The consulting practice began December 1, 1968 to provide professional petroleum reservoir services to both small and large oil and gas producers. A wide range of services are provided including property evaluation, property management, improved recovery studies and project design, and reserves estimation.
The firm has licensed professional engineers with over 80 years combined experience in petroleum engineering. Projects have involved virtually every oil and gas producing region in the United States.
The practice is solely owned by the principals, and is not affiliated with any other engineering or geological consultants, operating company, or oil and gas producer.
Clients include independent and major oil companies, public utilities, industrial consumers, banks, accounting firms, and attorneys. Annually, the firm works on about 200 projects for about 75 clients.
The firm has licensed professional engineers with over 80 years combined experience in petroleum engineering. Projects have involved virtually every oil and gas producing region in the United States.
The practice is solely owned by the principals, and is not affiliated with any other engineering or geological consultants, operating company, or oil and gas producer.
Clients include independent and major oil companies, public utilities, industrial consumers, banks, accounting firms, and attorneys. Annually, the firm works on about 200 projects for about 75 clients.